Wednesday, March 22, 2006


So I was recently chatting with my folks on our computer at home -- we have a camera in our new iMac G5, and so do they, so it's a strange sort of video-conferencing thing that happens, rather reminiscent of George and Judy Jetson's TV/telephone of old, if ya'll can remember that show!
First, let me tell you that during a recent visit to St. Joe, Michigan, Gabe got to see some of Uncle Jon's magic tricks. He was utterly amazed and became an instant believer of magic. Ever since then, he frequently tries to make pennies disappear out of his own fist, only to open his hand and discover, with the kind of disappointment that makes your heart ache, that he can't do it. But still he keeps on tryin'!!
He also believes that mommy can do magic by telling the stoplights to turn green when they are red. (He doesn't notice me timing them out of the corner of my eye of course!) So for Gabriel, real "magic" does indeed exist.
Anyway, during our "video chat" with my mom and dad, Gabe was busy telling Grandma and Papa all about his day at school and how he "learned about Jesus and stuff." Then he proceded to try to tell them the bible story he learned that day and how "There was a man who couldn't hear, and Jesus used his magic and made him all better."
Well, I'm sure you can guess what a good laugh we all got out of his choice of words. It was a great "Gabe" moment. And I'll never be able to hear that bible story again without a smile, thinking of my son's version of the story!


amy7252 said...

Hey, we have a webcam, too! Do you use Skype??

Katrina said...

We use iChat. That's all I know! (I'm basically computer-illiterate when it comes to this kind of stuff!!) Does that mean we could chat?