Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Chomp chomp!!

There's nothing like a little fiber in your diet!
This post is just for fun. Here is a photo of Gabriel in St. Louis. My parents got hit with that major ice storm that moved thru the area a few weeks back -- they lost power for a few days and a GORGEOUS tree that used to be in their front yard has now been reduced to this stump. Gabriel saw this as we were packing up to leave and decided to chew on the pieces of wood, yelling out "Mom! Dad! Look! I'm a beaver!" Of course, I immediately sent Nathan outside with my camera to capture the moment.


C Staude said...

So THAT's why that tree fell down.... and here we were thinking it was due to the ice!!
I am betting that Beaver Gabe snuck down in the middle of the night and chewed it right off!

DawnK said...

I almost spewed my soda all over my monitor. I was thinking he looked like a beaver and then come to find out that's why he was doing that!

Katrina said...

Hee hee!! Yeah, pretty goofy, eh? But then, that's boys for ya.