Sunday, May 31, 2009

Field Day

Gabriel had his annual Field Day last week. For all those non-Lutherans out there who may be wondering what this is, it is a chance to let the kids in all grades run races and relays etc.
Nate had the day off, so he was able to shoot lots of photos. Gabe came home with an envelope full of ribbons and a huge grin. His favorite event? Hurdles!

Long Jumpin' Gabe! (He got third place in this event.)

Run Gabe! Run like the wind!! I love how his blond hair is flyin' in this photo!!

Doing the hurdles! His favorite event!

Gabriel takes a look at his ribbons after the events.


DawnK said...

Wow, looks he had fun and is good at all those track and field events! I'm Lutheran, but went to a public school, so I really didn't know what this was, anyway! 5th grade sports day is about as close as Sheboygan gets to a field day, but that is for all the 5th graders in Sheboygan.

C Staude said...

What a fun day!!! I love the action shots! He is getting so long-legged... just like his daddy!
Way to go Gabe!

nhia said...

Wow, he's so big now ... 7, right? They grow up way too fast. But glad to see that he's so athletic and having so much fun!!

amy7252 said...

Field Day: it's not just for Lutherans anymore! We had that for everyone in 4th and 5th grade in my hometown. The three elementary schools competed against each other. I ran relay both years (the weak leg, of course!) Basically, it was an awesome excuse to enjoy the nice weather and hang out on the HIGH SCHOOL track! (Oooh!)

Glad to see that others do this!