Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Misty, Foggy Run

This is the North Pier Lighthouse on a non-misty day, but I didn't take the picture.

So I know I've been a complete blog slacker lately. My only excuse is that for the last few weeks I haven't been able to find my camera battery charging cord. The other day, Rhylah opened one of the french doors in our dining room and there it was, stuffed behind the door.
This will be just a short post.
I ran in a 5K race near Tiscornia Beach Park this morning here in St. Joe. I did it just for fun, since I haven't been training or anything. But I really enjoyed it, because I haven't really explored too much on that side of the river yet.
It was a misty foggy morning and the highlight of the 3-mile run was when we ran right out by the pier, and you could see the North Pier lighthouse looming in the mist and fog. It was amazing!
Anyway, I finished 244th out of like 700 people, although a lot of them were walking, so that's hardly worthy of mentioning. But it was great to get out and stretch my legs, even it if was a little chilly and rainy!


C Staude said...

way to go baby girl!! Woot-Woot!!

DawnK said...

You did a good job! I probably would have been in the bottom 25, and walking. Do you really get waves, on the other side of Lake Michigan like that?? Usually the big winds are going the other way, so we don't get big waves over here.

Don't you wish you could take credit for the picture? LOL!

nhia said...

Congrats! That's impressive (as always!)! Man, I miss not having you or Belia around to help keep me accountable with running. You two would kick my butt big time, though, that's for sure!

I've been going out almost every morning for about 2.5 miles. I'm slowly getting there! Building up my endurance!

Cassie said...

Sadly, I would be one of those walking...Way to go, though! I salute you!