To celebrate the day, we woke up and made Miss Rhy the breakfast of her choice ... fried eggs. She opened a present from us, a princess crown and jewelry, and proceeded to wear the tiara, necklace, ring and earrings as she ate. Too cute!
Then we had four friends over for a princess tea party with real tea! The kids had a blast and I had fun living out my fantasy of throwing a princess tea party. :) The best part? Rhylah, her cousin Sydney and her best buddy Abby all showed up wearing the SAME princess dress! Such fashion forward little girls!
Here she is, bright and early, in all her princess gear, eating breakfast! What a great way to begin age 3!!
Rhy helped decorate the cupcakes for her party.
A table full of princesses ... and Asher, who dressed up as a knight for awhile.
Beautiful girls!
Rhy's buddy Abby! Such a dolly!
Drinking cherry tea out of a real cup means you're a lady!
Blue dress brigade! They're all so adorable!
Blurry, but too cute, as she licks the frosting off her face.
Rhy and Abby.
Ash and Rhy
Sweet hugs to thank a friend for her very first Barbie doll. The odd thing was that the Barbie princess dress she got from someone else, PERFECTLY matched the dress her Barbie was wearing!
Happy 3rd Birthday to Rhylah! Looks like she had a blast at her birthday party. You couldn't do that at McDonald's! Asher looks quite handsome, too, as the unofficial knight.
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