My baby girl turned three on Oct. 8. To commemorate the occasion, we took her 3-year portrait this past weekend. It was a lovely, blustery fall morning, and we headed downtown to have some coffee and find some picturesque brick walls to use in the photo shoot. Rhy did a GREAT job, and my super-talented hubby got some terrific shots! Enjoy!

Adorable!!!! Thanks for posting these where a grandma can see and download them!! I love the "attitude shots" - they are SO totally Rhylah!!! Tell Nathan I am once again SO impressed with his talents! Great shoot!
Thanks! I thought you might want to drag and drop a few onto your computer. :) I also keep high res photos on my blog because it makes it easier when I download the blog onto blurb for our family photo album later!
Love the little bits of attitude you let us see. Super Cute!
Thanks Cathy! :)
Those photos are just amazing. Beautiful girl, awesome photographer! Where did you take the pictures? And will you be my mom and do my hair, please?
@Amy, you make me laugh, girl! :) Thanks for the nice comments! We took 'em downtown, in the bustling metropolis of St. Joe. There was an alley (probably the only one in town...) with a cool brick wall and another with a doorway that ended up working perfectly.
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