Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Return of Sock Monkey

Here I am in 1979 with my Sock Monkey. Check out how big my eyes are! I think I'm afraid it's going to eat me or something!

Miss Rhylah in 2007 with her newly aquired Sock Monkey.

"Are you talkin' to ME?" The Sock Monkey tradition continues...

I was at Target last night, having some time to myself, when I stumbled across something that stirred some memories. A sock monkey. I remember my sock monkey as a child, and immediately remembered a favorite photo from my baby album of me "wrestling with my sock monkey." That's exactly how my mother labeled the photo. Of course I HAD to buy the thing and take a similar photo with Rhy. It was too much fun to pass up! So the tradition continues!


DawnK said...

Awww, that's so sweet!

C Staude said...

Go gettim, Tiger! (I mean Rhy!)
I LOVE sock monkeys! Don't ask me where yours came from - I am not sure - but I vaguely recall that your gramma Staude may have made yours!

I love their red butts!