Sunday, March 19, 2006

A new friend and morning snuggles

Asher got the chance to have his first "play date" recently, when we stopped by Nhia's house to say hello. Her little girl, Norah, is quite charming, and is just about the same age as Ash. We sat the two down side-by-side so they could get a good look at each other. They were pretty much oblivious to the whole process, but I caught some cute photos!
The other picture is a photo of what Ash and I do best together -- sleep in! He's my snuggle buddy (at least whenever I get a free morning when Nate can take Gabriel to school!) He wakes up at about 7 a.m. to eat, and then falls fast asleep next to me. I never sleep very well with him next to me, but it's still fun to snuggle. Nate snapped this picture with my little digital camera on Saturday, when Asher and I slept in till 11:30 a.m. HOORAY!! It was WONDERFUL!


C Staude said...

Congrats to NATHAN!!!! wow.. cool photos!

Also loved the shots of Asher and his little buddy Norah and his napping buddy!

Love you guys!
Mom & Dad

amy7252 said...

Wow, there is no doubt that Asher belongs to that lady sleeping next to him - he has the same eyes, nose and mouth!