Nhia, my good friend and co-worker, came over to visit today and brought her adorable kids along with her.
We constantly joke about how we'd like to see Norah and Asher married someday. They are both such cutie pies! And they gave each other plenty of hugs and kisses at our urging so that we could take photos. Poor kids!! Hee hee!
Asher, Ella and Norah pose for a photo.

Asher and Norah, lollipop twins, play with the boy toys (of which our house is full of! Poor girls!)

Norah: "Gosh, Asher, that's a super cool fire truck T-shirt you have!"

Asher, wasting no time, as he makes his move on Norah. Pucker up! Too cute!

Rhylah and Ian sit back and watch their crazy siblings.
Rhylah: "So Ian, what did you do today?"
Ian: "Oh you know, eat, sleep, poop. You?"
Rhylah: "Yeah, pretty much the same thing! You're great at supporting your own head! I can't wait till I can sit up without falling over!"

Here is some archive footage: Of Asher and Norah in February of 2006, when they were just three months old! Too cute!