Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh but the dirt is such fun!

My daughter has a new outdoor hobby. Today I found her in the dirt, behind our garage (where I uprooted a tree last fall and transplanted it to the front yard ... hence the big mound of dirt) looking rather adorable with a dirt-smeared face. She just LOVES playin' in the dirt. I think she's on her way to being a true gardener, like mommy!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Girl Time

My entire family was up for a visit this week for a funeral. Aside from being an obviously sad time for all of us, it was a rare chance to get some pictures of the girls together. My sister's daughter, Sydney, is only three months younger than Rhy -- and since the odds of Rhylah having a sister are pretty much nill, it's always fun to watch the two of them play together!

Papa watches the girls play with the busy ball popper. They dragged him upstairs by both hands.

Playin' together is so much fun!

At one point, they took most of Rhy's books off her shelves and loaded them onto the bed so they could read together. Now that's my idea of a good time!

My sweet baby girl.

Rhy shows Sydney her freshly painted toes.

Playin' chicken with their daddies.

Leon takes a "kick" to the nose. :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Flowers In a Jar

My daughter might be the "Lord High Executioner of Daffodils," but when she manages to snap a few off well below the blooms (and I can get them into water fast enough) they make a sunny addition to our kitchen table. After all, is there anything that says spring better than flowers in a mason jar??

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Smiley Rhy Photos

These photos I took of Rhylah the other day, were just too cute -- I had to post 'em!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Easter Photos

Gabe smiles EARLY this morning after finding his basket.

Ash finds his basket hidden under the couch cushions.

Rhy digs into her candy right away.

The kids with their baskets.

Rhylah in her Easter dress with flowers in her hair.

Gabe, looking very grown up on Easter Sunday!

My smiley Asher!

Three of the best kiddos ever!

Brothers ...

A rare moment of brotherly affection ... right before the tackle!

Rhy wore her Christmas dress for Easter this year, because it worked so well! She calls it her "Cinderella" dress. She proceeded to wear it ALL day long!

My darling girl.