Yesterday was Gabe's opening day for baseball. He was SOO excited...this kid LOVES baseball. And me? Wellllll, I wasn't really looking forward to spending FIVE hours out in the hot sun, but it turned out to be much more enjoyable than I expected. (Also, Nate spent the majority of the day out in the hot sun while I was home with napping kiddos ... we joined them at the park after nap time!)
Let me tell you about Wells Field, here in town. They spruce it up for Field Day, when all the kids, even the older ones, are playing at the three different diamonds. But the Rookie field is literally like something out of the movie "The Sandlot." And it's right in our neighborhood. I love it for its slightly run-down charm. I can picture Gabe biking there with his friends when he gets a little older, and playin' some ball in the summertime.
Anyway,they started the afternoon with hitting, running and fielding competitions. They use a pitching machine, so it takes some skill to hit the ball. Nate called me all excited when Gabe made a great hit and was one of the few kids to run THROUGH first base, (instead of hopping right onto it in childlike glee). Let me tell ya, this kid is SERIOUS about his baseball. (Check out his stances in the following photos.)
Anyway, after the competitions, they took turns playing the field and batting.
Finally, they finished by taking a team photo. Gabe absolutely LOVES wearing his uniform, as I'm sure you can tell. I think it makes him feel like a pro! (Although, as a die-hard Cardinal fan, I'm having a REAL hard time cheering "GO CUBS!")

Our newest little player. I feel so old, now that I'M the one sitting in the lawn chair watching the baseball games like my folks did for me. Gabe's first official game is tonight.

Look at that serious little face!

Gabe got to be "pitcher" in the scrimmage. Since they have a pitching machine, all he had to do was stand near the coach, who was feeding balls into the machine ... and wear this snazzy mask. He caught one grounder and threw it to the first baseman during scrimmage. It was awesome!

Taking the plate. You can see one of his assistant coaches in the background. I've been really pleased with the coaches he ended up with. They're really friendly and helpful, yet they are already really working the kids and pushing them.

Ash tries out the bat. He's already been telling me that he wants to play baseball like Gabe next summer. Too sweet!

Asher looking like Mr. Cool at the playground next to the fields.

Rhylah was all decked out in hat and shades for the day. I think she looks stylin'!

Rhy and mamma.

Just a cute photo Nate took of me and the kiddos after church (before field day started).