My boys tried some amateur sledding down a small hill that we created while shoveling out our driveway.
Such fun for brothers!
Roxy with a snowy muzzle.
Just a cool statue in our backyard.
Mr. Gabriel having fun.
Rhy in a hole.
Does anyone sense potential disaster here??? It never actually happened, but the photo makes it look like it might!
I love this photo because they all look so busy.
Look how deep it is on Rhy! I had to blaze a trail just so she could walk across the yard!
Oh my goodNESS! You DID get some snow! Glad you had such a blast!
Tons of fun!
What a great set of shots! Good roly-poly snow fun! Wheeeeeee!
Reminds me of snowy days when I was a kid. My sisters and I played outside for hours, or went to the schoolyard a few blocks away to go sledding. They had a great hill!
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