Today was the first day of school!
Asher started Kindergarten, half days, and Gabe is a big bad 4th grader! I can hardly believe it, because I REMEMBER being in 4th grade and it doesn't feel like it was THAT long ago!
Asher was so puffed up and proud of himself, referring to himself as a Kindergartener all morning, as he reminded me how old and responsible he's getting to be.
Rhy did great as well. I thought she might get upset at being left out (For various reasons, I decided not to start her in 3K this year), but we came home and "did school" together ... doing some workbook pages, painting together, and working on her shapes and numbers. She had SOOOO much fun with good old mom. And we had a cup of tea together (which, let's face it, you just can't get at regular school!) and then we played dress up together where she got to pick out a dress and shoes for mom and deck me out in her jewelry and crowns. (No photo of that folks, sorry...)
Asher is SOOOO ready to get back to school!
My boys!
Gabe is looking so very old, and very cool!
Rhy holds Lucca, who is fending off the fall chill in his groovy new sweater.
Asher finds his new locker, with a little help from mom, and some supervising by Rhylah.
Stashing his Ninja Turtle backpack in the new locker!
Gabe picks out his own locker and puts his gym shoes inside. The boys classrooms are right across the hall from each other and their lockers are only a dozen or so apart!
Love these shots of the boys walking into school together for the first time. Asher always had preschool in the afternoon, but now, in Kindergarten, he'll get dropped off with big brother in the morning!
The boys of 4th grade!
"moooooom! Quit taking photos of me! It's sooooooo embarrassing!!"
A busy 4th grade classroom. Gabe has Mr. Farrand this year (the guy in the blue shirt, standing by the door), and he's excited to get the year underway!
Gabe at his newly selected desk.
Love all the photos! Great job recording the big day, mom!!! They look SO grown up!
Awwww! Such cute and sweet photos! (Our kids will appreciate us 20 years from now for recording and documenting all this, dammit! And we moms certainly will be glad that we captured these milestones too!) :-)
That's right! We can embarrass them all we want to ... it's for posterity! :)
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