Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Snow-pocalypse 2019 ... January/February

In the last week of January, into February, we got a big snowstorm and the kids were out of school for the ENTIRE WEEK! Unfortunately, it was right in the middle of finals ... but we sure enjoyed all the time off! It was almost like a second winter break!

My happy shovelers!

I can always tell how bad the storm will be based on the amount of firewood Nate brings in!

we LOVE the fireplace. The dogs are in this shot somewhere.

Looks like Narnia!

Homemade beef stew on a cold, frosty night!

A gorgeous sunset!

The kids broke out the old wii and played sports together.

Dog whisperer.

Homemade ham/bean soup on another cold, frosty night!

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