Okay, so tonight I feel the need to sound off on a touchy subject for Wisconsinites everywhere. Will Brett Favre retire? Now, in my mind, the question really is, why the heck do we all care so much, and also ... why is he keeping everyone in such suspense? Now, I know I'm a girl, and therefore, hardly an expert, but bear with me here. Across Wisconsin, as we "speak," newspapers everywhere are building special sections to be inserted into their papers, or published separately, as soon as the almighty Farve makes his momentous decision. I know because my newspaper is one of them. There is such a fuss and ballyhoo over this, it far surpasses the fuss we made over the Pope's death over a year ago. And I find that amazing.
Now I have learned to have quite a lot of repsect for Mr. Favre since moving to this wonderful state of cheese and brats, and he deserves all of the fanfair he gets, I'm sure. But I have to agree with our sports department when you size up the situation here: There's a new coach, it's going to be a rebuilding year and the Packers aren't doing anything to add any strength to their team. So why the heck WOULD Favre come back??
Now, as I said, I'm certainly not a football expert (FAR from it!!) but I will say, I've lost respect for Favre, for dragging his grand announcement out this long. It's gotten quite ridiculous here in dairy-land. One editor joked today that Green Bay's headline, should Favre retire, might read "God is dead." The sad thing is, its probably been considered!
In the meantime, we, the dignified press of Wisconsin, continue to track Favre's every burp and hiccup, shoving microphones in his face everytime he does so, in case ...
just in case, he should follow it with a "Pardon me.... oh by the way, I'm going to retire."
Oh, the shame of it.