So, for anyone who is interested, this is what my belly looks like in week 19 of my pregnancy. I'm almost halfway done! (only one week to go!) My ultrasound is scheduled for May 21, and we're super excited about it -- we keep wrestling with the idea of whether or not we should sneak a peek at baby's unmentionables and find out the sex -- I think we won't -- it's so nice to be surprised after all! Anyway, when I saw this photo of myself I said "My belly looks so small!" which was astonishing, because to me ... it seems ginormous! :) The second photo is a picture of my lollipop boys at the park this past week. Asher discovered he likes DumDums. Well, what's not to like, really??
Wow, you're already halfway there? I feel like you just announced that you're pregnant! (OK, so the counter should have clued me in...)
I think you should sneak a peek and find out what you're having. I don't know how I would have been able to go this long without knowing!
If you peek this time... we want to know too!! :-) That way I'll know what color to start crocheting! (Or I could just come visit and see what name is on the wall... ha ha!!!)
Dum-dums! I LOVE dum-dums - Gabe looks like he's Explaining how to eat them in great detail!... Cute pic!
i finally got around to the obligatory pregnancy photo this weekend too! i still have to post mine. i'm now at 21 weeks and we just found out we'll be having another boy! looks like we're both pretty good at making those! :) you do look really tiny! i feel HUGE! oh, and i have that same maternity top in black!
You look so good. I felt like I was ginormous, around 5 months, although I must not have been, since it's only halfway!
Cute pic of the boys, with the lollipops.
Both of my kids were a surprise, in the late 80's and early 90's, people weren't finding out the gender, as readily as they are now!
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