Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Happy 15th Birthday, Gabriel! ... January

Gabe turned 15 on Jane. 24. WOW. I mean .... WOW. Where did those years go??!! He had school, but got up early, to decorations and two or three presents ... an under armour shirt from Grandma Carol ... new pants and a Toby Mac CD from us. Then, after school, he had to study for finals. BUMMER! But we had Aunt Kathy over at dinner time .... we ate shrimp pasta and had his favorite, homemade not-red velvet cake with chocolate ganache  (from FOOD52). The BIG gift (other than a fun Lego Star Wars game for his Xbox One, and a new book and some new underwear (ha ha!!)) was a new bike. Nate spent WEEKS finding it on Craigslist. It's a white Bianchi, and will fit him into adulthood. He looks GREAT on it, and was SO excited to get it. ("It's FAST!!" he told me today, when I met him while running the dog, and he was on his ride home from school.) Although, I think dad was JUST as excited to welcome a new Bianchi into the family. Happy birthday buddy!!

Underpants!!! LOL!!You have to give gifts like this ... keeps 'em humble. ;)

Geeze, they're almost the same height!! :(

Asher wanted to light the candles.

The traditional, "mom with cake" photo....


C Staude said...

Suddenly he looks so VERY grown up in all these photos! I am so thrilled he had such a great birthday. Thanks for sharing these.

Katrina said...

I know, right?!! It's weird for me, now that he's officially bigger than I am. Ugh!!!