Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Wonderful Weekend ... January

We had a marvelous weekend on Jan. 20-21. On the 20th, it was nearly 60 degrees!!! We went for a hike out at Grand Mere with Aunt Kathy. There had to have been over 100 people there, with their dogs! Everyone was excited to be out. Kathy and I walked the shore and found some sea glass. And the kids played in the dunes while Nate read a book on the beach. WHAT a day!! Later, I caught all three kids playing Hogwarts and making potions in the kitchen. SUPER fun. I had to snap a photo, since I know Gabriel will outgrow this SO soon... (I think he was trying to be Dumbledore, with the grey beard...)
Making Potions!

Sleeveless on the beach on January 20!

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