I was at the mall today and decided to get Rhy's ears pierced. Aren't they adorable?? I think so! A good friend of mine had her baby's ears done a few months ago, and I loved the way it looked.
Rhy did SUCH a good job. She cried a little, but within seconds, was laughing and smiling and had no clue what had happened. And I think she looks too cute with her little daisy earrings!

seriously adorable. can i borrow her just for one day and pretend i have a little girl? please?
That is really cute!
Hey ... I see that you've lost another 1/2 pound!! Woo hoo for you! I know how great it feels to break out of the plateau stage. You should celebrate by getting Rhylah's ears pierced ... oh wait ...
How adorable! Was this planned, or spur of the moment? I've seriously been thinking of getting my girls' ears pierced as well. We'll see if I have the guts to follow through! Rhylah is just too cute with the earrings!
It was sort of planned and sort of spur of the moment! LOL! I went to the mall with the very intent purpose of doing it -- but couldn't decide -- but then just did it. The girl who did it had done a TON of baby ears before and said Rhy had GREAT lobes to work with -- not too tiny like most babies her age!
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