Thursday, August 03, 2006

Standing Man

Well I suppose that once you learn to crawl, the world is open to you! It seems like it's been forever since I blogged last, but my only excuse is that I have MUCH LESS time on my hands now that I can no longer plunk Asher with a toy on the floor at my feet as I blog without worry. Now he is mobile, and my days are spent chasing after him, from room to room. Lord help us when he finally discovers the stairs!!
This is a photo of how my little man greets me in the morning now! (Photo was taken this morning) Our routine is basically this: He calls out "mamamamamam" from his crib (As I am always the one he calls for when he is in seriously dire straits .... needing food, or out of bed etc. Nathan, he calls for all the time, when he's happy!! Not fair!!). Anyway, after he begins calling out my name in a loud forcefull voice, I pull myself out of bed, open his door, and there he is!! Standing man! It's impossible NOT to smile when you see a mini pudge-muffin standing there all proud of himself and grinning at you! What a doll!


Unknown said...

He is so adorable! Once they're mobile, that's pretty much it for that quality time to yourself...but they sure make up for it in other ways. Have I ever got stories for you about how Isaac is a terror when not supervised because I'm trying to get something done (have a conversation!).

C Staude said...

What a cutie! He looks like he's plotting his next great feat of toddlerhood.... he has a twinkle in his eye!
