Well, Gabriel's bedroom has finally gotten the first installment of a much-needed makeover. We ordered new furniture (bunkbeds and 2 dressers) for him last month and today, they arrived! I've never seen a little boy so excited to see a delivery truck!
Nate has spent the past two days prepping Gabe's room. He did a really unique painting technique by Ralph Lauren, called "Suede" which makes the paint on the walls appear to look like.... well....suede. It ended up looking very cool -- especially since we're going to be going with a "vintage" cowboy theme in the room (i.e. cowboy stuff from the 50s era). As soon as baby #3 makes his/her arrival, Asher will be moving in with Mr. Gabe on the bottom bunk.
We really like how the room has turned out so far -- it's much warmer and more inviting. Gabe's favorite part is the built-in desk on the end of the bunk beds (not shown in the horrible photos I took and posted here) and the 2 bulletin boards ( 1 above the desk AND 1 on the mirror above the dresser). He's already been drawing pictures of cowboys to hang up as soon as we go buy some push pins.
So now we're on the hunt for the final flourishes, so to speak. We already have the vintage cowboy lamp, which you can KIND of see in the blurry photo ... but if any of you happen to unexpectedly find any deals on wagon wheels, lasso's or horseshoes ... please give us a heads up! :)
Did you take home the Hitchin post for little Cow Pokes thingie that we had in the basement? That would look GREAT with a cowboy hat hangin on it!
The room looks AWESOME!
There are some cool stencils of bucking broncos etc that you could put around the windows or other spots!
The Buffalo Bill birthplace is near me. I did a search online but their gift shop site sucks. I found this one in Wyoming. They have some neat posters. http://www.bbhc.org/home/index.cfm
Thanks so much! I'll check it out! :)
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