Well, it was cold, but successful! We trick-or-treated our way down Forres Avenue tonight -- the busiest street in town on Halloween! I don't have a lot of photos of the boys because they were ahead of me for most of the evening. Rhy lagged behind, so I did too of course. We had a blast and the kids got quite a haul! Rhy did great until we got to one house where the candy-hander-outer was wearing quite a scary rubber mask. This freaked her out on a level beyond shrieking. She just froze and stared at the guy. After that, she wanted me to carry her to each doorstep!! Poor gal!

My goblins wait on the front porch.

Me and my pretty princess!

Making our way to a neighbors door.

Rhy with her pumpkin pail.

See how far ahead the boys got? They were so excited, they couldn't be bothered with slow toddler sisters. :)

Brothers on the ultimate night-o-candy!

This is super blurry, but shows how pooped Rhy was by the end of the night. She just collapsed in these people's front yard. Too cute!!
Ohhhh!Sweet! Wish we could have been there to walk with you! Miss you so!
The princess was so adorable, the storm trooper very realistic, and the cowboy looks like a cross between Jesse James and Woody! :-) Such fun!
Too cute! I love all their costumes! The leaves are still quite pretty. Ours are pretty much falling now! We had 11 trick or treaters at our door. That's a record for the 12 years we've lived at this house.
Looks like so much fun! I love how awesome the weather appeared - the kiddos didn't have to be totally bundled up in coats and the leaves on the ground were just perfect! :)
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