ASHER IS CRAWLING!!! Yep, it's official folks! At age 8 months and four days, Asher is now a mobile human being! He took a few hesitant knee-bends forward on Saturday afternoon, but quickly fell onto his tummy. Today, however, was different. I put him on one side of our living room carpet, and I went about seven feet away, to the other side, and proceded to call him -- shaking various toys as bait. The little guy propped up his arms and legs, and proceded to frog hop a few inches forward, but quickly tired of that and began slowly moving one hand forward, and then a leg ... concentrating so hard, until he'd achieved a full-fledged crawl!! All the way across the carpet!! I'm so proud of my little man! Of course (in true manly fashion) his favorite incentive for crawling, seems to be going after the TV remote, if it happens to be on the floor! He's getting so big! Now, when I wake him up in his crib, he's usually sitting up, instead of laying down, and he is beginning to try to hoist himself up on the bars. Uh oh. Time to think about lowering the crib matress!
Way to go Asher!! We're so proud of you!!!