Okay. According to my daily online pregnancy calendar on Monday, my clothes should be "getting tight." I scoffed when I read this, but yesterday, a pair of kakhi pants I frequently wear to work, were indeed a bit snug. Now, granted, these pants were on the small side to begin with, but I was definitely uncomfortable in them all thoughout my work day. Arrrgghh! That means I'm heading into the dreaded period where nothing fits right. Your own clothes don't fit. And maternity clothes are still WAY too big to even consider. This is by far, my LEAST favorite stage. Where people who don't know about your "condition" just think you must be putting on a few extra pounds. And to make matters 10 times worse, I've been SOOOO hungry lately. When I get home from work after midnight, I could seriously sit down and eat a 5 course meal -- my stomach is growling so badly! And yesterday, I had to eat some of my dinner right when I got to work at 4 p.m. because I was so hungry I couldn't concentrate!!! Ain't pregnancy grand?!
In other news, Asher had decided that he loves playing in the snow. Now, whenever Nate or Gabe get ready to go outside, he follows them around holding up his gloves (which he always used to HATE to wear, and would just pull off, immediately) and his snowpants saying "Go? Go?" Too cute! Also, I found out that when it's time for his morning nap, all I have to ask is "Are you tired?" and he looks at me and says "night night?" and immediately heads up the stairs to his room for naptime. Very fun!
The photos have nothing to do with this post really -- they're just cute pics I took of Asher in the car last month. :)
Awwww .... cute little man... hope he's doing better today! I was worried about him all night!
Kiss kiss from Grammie!
OMG, I'm identifying with a pregnancy thing! Wow, I'm in a new league now. And yes, I hated the in-between stage, too. Not a problem anymore with my growing bump ... and baby has decided that it's really neat to put pressure on my belly button. What a weird sensation.
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