Expecting! Yes, indeed we are! It's still very early -- only about 6 weeks or so. But then I've never been the type of person who could wait a full 12 weeks before sharing news this major. Our third little bundle of joy is due Oct. 5. So it seems I will have to readjust to all the aches, pains, stretchings, cravings and heartburn. Yep. I get hearburn in a vicious way when preggers. Also, with this pregnancy, I've had more nausea than ever. I never had morning sickness with either Gabe or Ash, so this is new to me. (And I guess I'm probably due for some retribution on that end, after not suffering through it with my first two pregnancies). But I can't complain, since it's not that horrible yet.
We're all very excited. Especially Nathan, who has already responded gallantly to my first craving -- the other night when we were watching FRIENDS and one character, Joey, had a piece of fried chicken and I immediately NEEDED chicken -- he ran right out to try to hunt some down. Unluckily, everything was closed. But he got an A for effort!!
So anyway, we are abuzz with changes in our household. It doesn't seem quite real yet, but we are making the adjustment -- the first step which will be to buy a bunk bed set for Gabe's room, because it won't be long before he has a new, little roomate! Anyway, stay tuned for (what I'm sure will be) fun posts over the next few months!
(The photo is an oldie but goodie: taken of the boys one year ago this month)
congrats! we, too, are expecting! september 14th, so not that far from you! hope your nausea clears up for you. so far, so good for me. i'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Congratulations KAT!!! I hope you have a little girl! Those boys need another lady to boss them around! If it's a girl, will you name her Marilyn? hee hee hee
Hey, I wanted to let you know I moved! I'm working in Davenport, Iowa now! My husband is now the photo editor in Iowa City. We'll have to get together sometime so I can meet your cute little family!
Also, Amanda Willis emailed me and I gave her a link to your blog. She's in Minneapolis now and says hi and echoes my sentiment that your family is adorable!
Congrats again! I LOVE your blog.
Welcome back to the land of giant elastic waistbands! We couldn't be more excited for you guys. And yes, we're rooting for a girl, too, but if it's another boy, he'll have some wonderful big brothers to look up to!
Now, I have to go to babystrology.com and see if I can get a countdown for my website!!
Oh, and if the nausea gets really bad, I have lots of helpful tips for you (some better than others).
Congratulations! Hope the nausea doesn't last too long. I had it bad with my first and pretty non-existent, with my second one!
That's what I get for not checking your blog for three days. Yeesh!
That's so exciting. Sorry about the chicken, though :-)
Take care!
I'm so excited for you guys! You guys are such a cute family! We got lots of flack from people for having a third but we couldn't be happier. We LOVE it!
Since I work at the Press too, maybe I'm not supposed to know this. But a little birdie mentioned it, so I had to read the blog to make sure. I just want to say congratulations to you. I am so happy for you and your family. What lucky kids you have, coming into your family.
I just wanted to say congrats officially, even though I've told you in person! We can't wait to meet this new little person ... he or she is going to have some awesome big brothers to look up to! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a girl for you guys!
Thanks for all your well wishes everyone! We are indeed excited!
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